Agenda Item Summary


Meeting Date: 10/272015

City Council: 11/2/15

Staff Contact: Patsy Horton, Long Range Planning Manager

Planning Commission: 10/22/15

Petitioner: N/A

Public Works: 10/27/15

Location:  N/A

Metropolitan Planning Organization: 10/15/2015

Agenda Title:

15TP035 – Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Website Request for Proposals


The 2015 Unified Planning Work Program identifies a task to develop a website for the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. The proposal is anticipated for distribution in early November, 2015. The website will enable a website separate from the current data located on the City of Rapid City’s website and will to allow the MPO the ability to provide better customer service to its member agencies and enhanced public participation opportunities.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Federal: 81.95%

Transportation Planning (706): 18.05%


Action: Approve with minor language changes

Notes: Planning Commission recommended approval: 10/22/2015


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Attachments & Links:

Staff Memo

Request for Proposals


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